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Life Skills

Types of Meta Learning

Learn the different types of meta learning, or learning how to learn. Start learning more effectively today!

Learning How to Learn

Meta-learning aims to fill the gap between the learning process of a person to that of a machine by using the science of systematically observing how machine learning approaches perform under a wide range of learning tasks.

Will Spain Become the Next Hotspot for Digital Nomads?

Here are the top places in Spain to visit if you are or wish to become a Digital Nomad.

What Type of Intelligent Are You?

When it comes to intelligence, there is no right or wrong way to be. Although the word intelligence is associated with maths, science, IQ tests and complicated algorithms, that doesn’t mean to say that if maths and science aren’t your vocation that you aren’t intelligent.

Eco-friendly Living

Whether you want a more eco-friendly lifestyle to help the environment or to save money, every step you take that is eco-friendly helps the world.

How to implement Stoic Philosophy into your life

Although Stoicism came to be in the early 3rd century BC, you can still live by this philosophy and apply it to your day to day life.

How to Improve Your Cooking Skills

Cooking should be an enjoyable experience during the meal preparation, the cooking itself and once the meal is ready you should feel proud of what you made and enjoy it. All of these tips are easy to do and all they require is some careful thought before you put your stove or your oven on.

What type of parent are you?

Parenting can be an interesting topic to talk about, as there isn’t one handbook on how children should be raised. However, there are many similarities between most parents and that seems to have cultivated these common parenting styles.

The Importance of Thinking

The importance of how much thought we give our actions often goes unnoticed.

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