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One Meal A Day vs Three Meals A Day – Which Diet Wins?

The debate between one meal a day (OMAD) and three meals a day (TMD) is an ongoing topic among health and fitness enthusiasts. Both diets have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of each diet, so you can decide which one is best for you.

The Benefits of Chlorella

Did you know that chlorella can absorb all toxins from the liver, gut and colon, meaning that it is the best detox for your system.

10 Things That Are Better Today Than They’ll Be In The Future

When we think of the future, we always have the tendency to consider what will improve in our lives and the world.

The Future of Travel After the Coronavirus

The entire world is ready for the coronavirus to be over. One of the things that everyone wants to do the most is travel.

What the future of Medicine holds for us?

What does the future of medicine will look like? Would it be natural medicine, or Precision medicine, digital therapeutics, 3D printing, immunotherapy.

Thoughts on Coronavirus & Coding

Just like in programming, when you find an error — you are expected to think out all the steps logically that produced it, and then try to go through each step until you find the path that went wrong and ultimately correct it. I believe that same kind of thinking will help you survive this pandemic.

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