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Remarkable reads that could change your World

One Meal A Day vs Three Meals A Day – Which Diet Wins?

The debate between one meal a day (OMAD) and three meals a day (TMD) is an ongoing topic among health and fitness enthusiasts. Both diets have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of each diet, so you can decide which one is best for you.

Is Breakfast Really Important for Productivity?

This article explores the reasons why breakfast is essential for productivity, as well as some potential downsides.

Building a Community in Interesting Times: Christian Moran on Grant Town’s Cities of the Future

Grant Town Experimental Community, otherwise known as G.T.E.C is an upcoming new model of our current society.

The Benefits of Chlorella

Did you know that chlorella can absorb all toxins from the liver, gut and colon, meaning that it is the best detox for your system.

Parenting During a Pandemic

Parenting was hard before the pandemic, this is simply our ‘new normal’.

Types of Meta Learning

Learn the different types of meta learning, or learning how to learn. Start learning more effectively today!

The Effects of Being Single During a Pandemic

Did you find yourself being single during the pandemic? Or did you get to spend isolation with your family at home? In this article you can read different versions of how the pandemic affected people that were single and people who were not.

Learning How to Learn

Meta-learning aims to fill the gap between the learning process of a person to that of a machine by using the science of systematically observing how machine learning approaches perform under a wide range of learning tasks.

Biohacking, what you need to know and how it works

The most common biohacks can lead to quick weight loss or increased brain function.

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